Five Best Web Analytics Tools You Should Use In 2023

Everything you do online generates data, and as a marketer, this data is key to understanding where our efforts are working and where they’re not. When they think of Analytics, most people assume that it’s all about visitor numbers. The reality is something else.

This article will check whether web analytics is really all about visitor numbers. We will also look into some most used, latest, and valuable web analytics tools.

A Bit About Web Analytics

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of web data to understand and optimize web usage. 

For many people, digital marketing is all about building online presence for a business, and to some extent that’s fine, but smart marketers nowadays emphasize much more than that.

Nowadays, web analytics services worldwide are focusing equally on generating traffic for the business, generating quality leads, and improving revenue generation for the business.

Results in digital marketing depend on the traffic, conversion, and customer retention of the business and are the key to measuring growth.

To measure and assess your efforts at every marketing stage, you need to scale it and analyze the collected data so that you do not repeat the same mistakes repeatedly.

You will find some incredibly cool tools that are free to use yet work exceptionally efficiently with proven results. You should use these tools if you are a business owner or a marketer.

Five Best Web Analytics Tools You Should Use In 2022

  1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the fundamental website performance tracking tool that should be installed by every single website. It sets up a tracking code on your website called google tracking code.

It provides all the information you could want about how your website is used. Basically, it does much more than just tracking.

It provides information about the number of visits, the volume, sources people are coming from, how they landed on your website, what they are looking for, what they intend to do, which particular pages they are arriving on and leaving from the website.

Not just this, it also tells you the number of websites, like if they are solo visits or repeated visits.

It gives you a general idea of how long people spend time on your website and how long on individual pages.

Another fantastic feature of google analytics is you can set up conversion goals. It helps you track specific events on your website and set up reports accordingly.

  1. Facebook Analytics

Both Google and Facebook analytics track and display almost similar data. The only difference is that google analytics can go much more profound and seem a bit complicated. In contrast, Facebook analytics is a bit easy to operate or use.

They set up a tracking code on your website to initiate the operations.

Facebook’s tracking code is called a pixel. It is often considered better if you use both the google and Facebook codes to collect comprehensive data. That will help today and be an incredible asset when retargeting users in the future.

  1. Hot Jar

The hot jar is yet another excellent tool with several functions, but two of them are essential. The first one is it records every single website visit as a video. This means you can watch website visitors, scroll and click, and then complete actions of all kinds. You can even click from page to page. Therefore, you can basically track every single website visitor. You can quickly start seeing opportunities and areas where people aren’t doing what is expected.

With a few changes to your website, you can change how users can interact with it.

  1. Lead Feeder

The lead feeder is a B2B website visitor tracking tool. It provides informative reports on the actual businesses that visited your website. You have to log in and see a report on the businesses who visited your website, which pages they looked at, and if they’re a repeat visitor. Lead feeder allows those who sell into larger businesses to be more effective in their sales prospecting. It can work well when you combine it with social media outreach strategies, rather than just jumping straight in and calling them up for business.

  1. Bitly

Bitly is traditionally used as a link shortening tool, and it’s convenient to use. It became popular through Twitter due to the restrictions on the number of characters you could use in a post; if a blog article you wanted to share had a long title, it might not leave you much space to say anything about it.

Bitly resolved this problem by converting long titles into short ones. If you are the one who shares content regularly on social media, you must be well aware of this fact. For instance, if you share one of your blog posts on several social media platforms, you’re going to want to know which social media platform achieved the most click-throughs in your content. Bitly provides a report on this for every single link you create.


We have checked five of the most effective tools you should use in 2022. They form a foundation of a well-strategized plan and provide a performance roadmap for your campaign.It has the ability to make a difference and should be used by every web analytics service and/or business. A digital marketing agency can easily set up and give successful results for your business in every case available.

It’s all about measurements. If you don’t measure what is holding back your business and what you need to change,you might never implement what needs to be done to make it right.

Author: 99 Tech Post

99Techpost is a leading digital transformation and marketing blog where we share insightful contents about Technology, Blogging, WordPress, Digital transformation and Digital marketing. If you are ready digitize your business then we can help you to grow your business online. You can also follow us on facebook & twitter.

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