Security Measures To Take On A Public Cloud

Cybersecurity has been a challenge since the earliest days of the internet when we first began to connect with each other. As we continue to move our businesses into the online world of cloud computing, the security risks also grow as the bad guys are busy finding new ways to steal and harm your important data!

The public cloud comes with its own unique set of risks, which is why you should use a secure and trusted self-service portal like Azure Lens to help make sure your precious data is protected! There is always going to be some risk involved as we work online, here are some tips from the pros on how you can remain cloud-safe!

Encrypt Data – Any sensitive data that is stored on, or transferred to and from the cloud should be encrypted, it is a critical precaution to take. Encryption prevents your data from being stolen or intercepted whether it is being transferred between your systems and the cloud, or if it is waiting in storage.

Strong Passwords – It is astounding that even today many users entrust their important work to weak, but convenient to remember passwords that hackers can crack like an eggshell- and they are getting better at it every day! Now even passwords that are made up of at least eight characters and use a combination of special symbols, letters, and numbers are no longer strong enough to resist the devious software attackers use to crack them. Therefore it is essential that a unique and powerful password that can resist those attempts be in place to guard your data from theft.

Monitor Traffic Constantly – Constantly monitoring the activity taking place on your networks is an excellent way to deter cloud-based threats. Security tools can automatically inspect the traffic, watching for suspicious or malicious behaviours, and block any unauthorized attempts to access your resources.

Control Access – It’s vital to know exactly who has access to specific data to avoid possible security risks in public clouds. Access controls must be in place that make sure only the correct users are able to access the resources, systems, and networks they are authorized to as they do their work.

Automated Defences – Considering that hackers and data thieves are now employing high-tech automated processes to seek out and exploit vulnerabilities across the public cloud, it’s crucial for organizations to fight fire with fire by turning those same automated systems against the cyber crooks and use them for your own security purposes! This might include the automation of vulnerability remediation and anomaly report generation.

Advanced Firewall – Advanced firewalls are the first line of protection against public cloud security issues that all organizations should have in place. The Next Generation Firewall, or NGFW can identify and block highly advanced threats such as application-layer attacks and cutting edge malware. They are able to upgrade in anticipation of evolving threats to security to keep your organization protected from the latest array of exploits and cyberattacks being developed by cyber criminals.

The Public Cloud is a wonderful resource, but as one must do when working in any public space, care must be taken to keep safe.

Author: 99 Tech Post

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