20 Things to Know Now About PPC

Do you like to get valuable traffic to your website? Pay-per-click is the best solution for you to increase website traffic within a short time. PPC has become the best cost-effective digital marketing technique to draw potential customers to your site. However, from PPC campaign setup to management, everything needs continuous effort. You can choose a leading PPC management company to make your campaign successful.

Although PPC is gaining popularity, you may have questions about this campaign. Check out 20 important things related to PPC.

Number of ads to be placed in your ad group

Google recommends placing at least 3 ads in every ad group. It enables you to check headlines and other ad descriptions. However, some PPC marketers use up to 5 ads in their ad groups.

Why do you need PPC ad copy tests?

You have to make different tests to know what works for your ad campaign. It is also important to test multiple ad groups for your PPC campaign.

How to decide on the best ad from your ad tests?

You have to check the conversion rates and CTR to find the most effective ad. However, you may also choose cost efficiency as one of the metrics for your ad campaign.

The number of keywords essential to every ad group

PPC management professionals try to use less than 20 keywords for every ad group. However, everything depends on your PPC account structure and needs. Relevancy is important for these keywords.

Over 50% of internet users click on the paid search ads from mobiles

Your potential customers use their smartphones to click on these ads. Thus, you may add your business contact number to the PPC ads.

Negative Keywords give a positive result-

These are keywords indicating the viewers have no interest in your website. Identification of these keywords is important for your search engine advertising campaign.

High CTR represents low CPC

The better Google ads management ensure higher CTC. Thus, you have to pay less for every click. You may try to increase your CTR to save costs.

What is conversion in your Google Adwords?

While the viewer has clicked on your ad and purchased your product, it refers to conversion. However, other actions, like app installation and email signups, may also be referred to as conversion.

PPC strategy is different for Display Network and Adwords Search

Google Adwords has two networks- Display Network and the Search Network. You have to choose display ads for Display Network and text ads for the Search Network.

Frequency of adding negative keywords

You can check out your search query report to know about inefficient queries. You will get this report 1 to 2 times every week.

Placing bids on your brand terms

In a competitive sector, you can lose sales when your competitors’ ads get a higher rank in the organic listings. In the low-competition industry, you will not find much activity, and there will be no problem.

Algorithm updates do not affect PPC

Any algorithmic modifications do not affect your PPC results. However, when it is SEO, you will find a difference in your organic ranking.

Organic search results and paid search results are not easy to distinguish

Most of the internet users cannot differentiate these two results. In most cases, they mistakenly think of PPC ads as the natural search results.

The best 3 PPC ad spots get higher clicks

Although you have an effective SEO campaign, you need the paid search campaign for organic clicks. The most important thing is to raise the Quality Score for better positions.

Viewers clicking on PPC ads like to call advertisers-

It is already mentioned that you have to display your phone number on the ads. You can increase the number of leads for your business.

Frequency of reviewing PPC keywords and account-

You should review them every 3 days to check outemerging keywords. It helps you in filtering out irrelevant keywords.

Is automation a must for the campaign performance?

No, you have to monitor your PPC account daily due to the fluctuation of PPC pricing. With automated software, you cannot control the cost.

How to ensure the best campaign performance

The PPC management team determines each term and finds the bid amount for using the past bid data from PPC channels. Moreover, with A/B testing and other steps, you can achieve success.

Ad clicks are different from ad impressions-

When someone views your ad from the SERP result, it is an impression. Similarly, when the viewer has clicked on the ad, it is an ad click.

PPC ads are not viewable- What is the problem?

You may have issues with ad relevance and targeting parameters. Check out these two factors when you cannot find your ads.

These are some important things related to the PPC campaign. You can work with professional PPC marketers to create your ads and manage the campaign.

Author: 99 Tech Post

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