What Are The Pros And Cons Of a Cloud-Based Intranet And A Company Network?

Every business is storing, processing and sharing information internally. All the nodes including computers, scanners, printers are connected together so that teams can easily share information and collaborate on the projects they are working on. Following are the two options available to you:

  • A company network
  • An intranet

In a company network, you have a central hub running on an operating system. In an intranet, you are using cloud-based software. Both options come with their own advantages and disadvantages. After reading this article, you will have a knowledge base to make the right decision for your business.

Cloud-based Intranet Costs

You have to use more efficient and effective technology to improve the overall performance of your business. Technology can reduce many costs and leave you with some free time. However, you have to bear the initial cost of installation of an intranet and/or cloud-based intranet software. The cost of hosting an intranet on a company network is higher than deploying a cloud-based intranet solution. There is no need to have an in-house IT staff to set up and maintain a cloud-based intranet. However, you will have to make monthly payments for using a cloud-based solution.

Portability and Accessibility

You have taken a day off and there is an urgent task only you can complete. Will you get back to the office? Employees often need to access the company network even when they are not there. They may need to access and mail an important document. They may need to collaborate with their coworkers. This is a need that a cloud-based intranet can address. Some employees bring their own devices to work. Some businesses have remotely working employees. This is the biggest advantage of using cloud-based intranet solutions. This solution offers both accessibility and portability.

Speed And Ease Of Deployment

You want your intranet to be up and running as soon as possible. You can quickly and easily deploy a cloud-based system. Once the system is deployed, you can add all the apps your team is using. You do not need an in-house IT team to keep it running smoothly. A cloud-based intranet is easier to expand as compared to the company network. You do not need to set aside an extra budget to purchase and install additional servers. If your needs are increasing and you have to expand, you just need to upgrade your plan.

Service And Problems

A cloud-based intranet software comes with a service contract. So, if you are having an issue with your intranet or the intranet software, you just need to contact their customer support team. However, there is a downside. You don’t have an in-house team of IT professionals and most of the time, they provide over-the-phone support. They send their IT professionals when no other solution works. In the meantime, your intranet is down.

Pros And Cons of Cloud-Based Intranet


  • Low up-front cost
  • No in-house IT team needed
  • Portable and accessible
  • Easy to upgrade the intranet plan without installing additional equipment
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Easy to run the intranet


  • Owned by someone else and you have to bear a monthly cost to keep it up and running.
  • You will not have an in-house IT professional to fix technical issues.
  • You don’t have full control over the solution.

Pros And Cons Of Company Network Hosted Intranet


  • No monthly payments
  • Complete control in your hand
  • In-house IT team to address issues


  • High up-front cost
  • Potential server configuration problems
  • Recruitment, training, salary and other costs of in-house IT team
  • Slow and expensive to scale up


A cloud-based intranet solution is ideal for small and medium-sized companies. However, you should consider the pros and cons of both options before making your decision.


Author: 99 Tech Post

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